Happy Birthday, Mom!!
Today started like most of the others will: in a dorm bed with about 20 other Pilgrims at 6:00AM. I haven't slept in 5 days because of the arm injury. Don't know what is wrong, but it throbs at night. Don't let anyone fool you: 47 Ibuprofen is not the same as a thimble of heroin!
We hiked for about 8 hours as we will everyday. I'm thinking of staying in a hotel in one of the bigger cities which I should reach in about two weeks. Maybe go to the hospital and see if I can get an X-ray...or heroin.

We made it to the town of Arre, which is the home of bicyclist legend, Miguel Indurain, who won the Tour de France 5 times in a row! We stayed in a church built in the 12th century tonight. Way cool, and kind of spooky to wander around in at 4:00 in the morning with the minimum of light.
It was run by a bit of a crazy man. He had a little Barney Fife in him, but he lightened up after awhile. He wouldn't let us in when we arrived at 3:00 even though the sign on the big door said, Open - 12:00 - 5:00, so we waited, and waited, and waited, until 3:30 for him to open the door and even then, only five at a time. Whatever! Liverpool Kevin, Toledo Luis, Belgium Tina, South Korea ^#&, Toledo Carmen and Rebecca. Good group. Teachers, school psychologist, social workers and student.

In front of the church was a statue of KingSancho VII who was king from 1194- 1234. He was known as the "wise" and the "strong", and for giving himself wonderful titles.
Because it is Sunday and because we're only 5 kilometers from the huge San Fermin Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona, the town of Arre was deserted. I met up with about 10 "kids" from Denmark, South Korea, and the USA, and caught a bus to Pamplona to "feel" the festival spirit. Impossible to find a room in Pamplona for less than $500 a night. That's a bit out of my budget and not exactly the Pilgrim spirit. Many people slept in the park, which smelled quite a bit like a urinal. Can't imagine why.
To get to Pamplona, we took city bus #4 and apparently we weren't the only people with this idea. The busses were jammed and it felt like I was taking the subway to a baseball game at Jacob's Field. Tons of fun!
Very cute kid - lousy drummer!
Pamplona was so much fun! The whole city is into it. Everyone wears red and white and a sash or neckerchief. Lot's of small marching bands, street musicians etc.
I'm not sure how they knew that I was a tourist. Perceptive, those Spaniards!
I asked a policeman how difficult it would be to be able to see the bulls run the next morning. About nine bulls run a day, different ones everyday...because the previous nine are on the menu. He said that we would need to get to Pamplona at 3AM for a good seat, and 5AM if we wanted to strain to see. That was NOT going to happen. We would be walking into town and it would take an hour and a half.
What a blast to the senses, especially sight, sound and smell. Can't say that smell was one of my favorite, however, sound was awesome. So many mini-marching bands, street musicians, and street performers.
The three Spaniards - Luis, Rebecca, and Carmen and one Englishman , Kevin the Cut, decided to try to see the bulls running in the morning but we would leave at 6:30 and hopefully, with some luck, be there by 8:00AM and by a miracle, actually get a glimpse of the bulls.